Is a Person’s Social Media Site Hurting or Helping Them?

What is the problem with social media?
A majority of high school and college students have some sort of social media outlet that they like to go to. The most popular social media site is Facebook and Twitter. Most kids will limit the amount of vulgarity and obnoxious behavior that appears on their account, but others will post about subjects that no one even cares about such as fighting and drama that is going on at school. If you have a problem then go talk to the person you have the problem with, do not hide behind text and then be nice when it comes to a face-to-face confrontation. Another problem with social media is some kids will post images of them performing illegal behavior. If a person is under the age of 21 they should not be taking pictures of themselves at a party drinking alcohol, and if a person is doing illegal drugs then that is just stupidity.

How does it help kids with their everyday life?
Social media is an outlet for kids to go on when they want to talk to an old friend that may have moved a few years back or maybe they miss friends from when they moved. Kids also go on social media sites to look at their friends images, posts, and/or blogs. All though social media sites can be fun and have so many advantages, they also have their disadvantages.

Why is bullying such a problem with social media?
A majority of bullying is done over the internet through text. Students find it easier to tell another person what they really feel through text rather than face-to-face because they do not have to see the emotions of the person they are hurting. The person being bullied may be crying but the bully does not care because what they can not see does not matter in their eyes. They do not have a conscious because They do not see the emotions coming from the other side, but only the emotions from inside of themselves. Most of the time a bully that is bullying through social media will do nothing in person because they are too scared to show everyone else in the world the way they really act when no one is watching. The worse thing about bullying over social media is that it can result in suicide because the bully never could see the emotions of the person they were harassing. A great movie that depicts this situation is an ABC Family movie called “Cyberbully.” It is about a young girl in high school who has a crush on this boy. Little did she know her best friend used to have a fling with the same boy. Her best friend ended up getting jealous and went on a social media site and made up a fake profile of a cute boy from a different school. In the end the girl tried to commit suicide because the “boy” was terrorizing her, calling her names, and telling the whole school lies about her. In the end the girl found out that the boy she was talking to happened to be her best friend.

Should a college, university, athletic coach, or future employers use a person’s social media to determine whether or not to accept or hire a person?
Students or people applying for jobs think that their social media is private to everyone. Some people would agree that a person’s social media site should not have an effect on whether or not a person gets accepted to a school, whether or not a person gets hired by a future employer, or whether or not a person is kicked off a team. Whether people want to accept the fact or not, a person’s social media site is open to the public. You put whatever you want on it and whoever looks at it can see what you post and upload. Yes, you can make your setting to where only the people that are your friends can see your profile but their are computer hackers that know how to unblock privacy settings. I have friends that are girls that barely know anything about a computer that know how to hack privacy settings. In my opinion, if you decide to post rude and vulgar comments, bullying people, put up pictures of you illegally drinking under the age of 21, smoking pot, or doing any other kind of drugs then that is your fault that your did not get accepted to the school or that you did not get the job you applied for. Also, kids and adults can be kicked off an athletic team for performing illegal acts, acts that are frowned upon, or un-sportsman like behavior. People should think before they perform stupid behavior and not take pictures of themselves performing illegal acts.

Kids underage drinking posted on Facebook

~ by Maranda Keith on 09/29/2011.

One Response to “Is a Person’s Social Media Site Hurting or Helping Them?”

  1. Cyberbullying is such a huge problem in today’s society for adolescents. My little sister is 16 years old, and she tells me all the time that her peers use Facebook to spread rumors and badmouth each other. It’s so easy to do because like you said, the “bully” never has to see what he or she is saying about someone does to that other person. In my opinion, more laws need to be passed to address this problem!

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